Your Challenge
Code requires regular maintenance to ensure an optimal delivery schedule. Unmaintained code will shift the development focus to fixing bugs and addressing security vulnerabilities, slowing down productivity costing time and resources.
Our Solution
By actively maintaining your code and analysing performance metrics, we can ensure that there is no regression in the reliability, security, and performance of your codebase.
We employ code analytics services to analyse the codebase to create a live view of the codebase to prevent new Common Vulnerabilities & Exploits (CVE's) from being introduced into the application. We also look for gaps in testing, documentation, and performance.
After locating the cause, we will start implementing a fix to resolve the issue. Afterwards we will make sure that the testing and documentation coverage matches what was agreed on in the SLA. performance.
By enhancing the testing coverage, documentation, and improving the code quality, the codebase should be more resilient increasing the reliability. The application is put in hypercare for a period agreed upon in the SLA.